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7) Blind Brook at Rye High School, Rye

photo7primaryLike Stephenson Brook, the County restored a section of Blind Brook on the grounds of Rye Middle/High School. The stream banks were severely eroding, exposing stormwater pipes, cutting away part of a soccer field and effecting water quality by increasing sediment loads. Rather than resorting to concrete and rock, the County regraded the stream banks to make them flatter, installed coconut fiber mats and bio-degradable biologs to stabilize the banks, and added shoreline vegetation and shrubs to control erosion. These efforts have also lead to enhanced habitats for wildlife. The newly stabilized banks have stood up to hurricanes and other severe storms.

To View The Site: The site is next to Rye Middle/High School on Parsons Street along Blind Brook in the City of Rye.