11) Wet Meadow at Read Sanctuary, Rye
A wetland meadow was created as an outdoor classroom next to the nature center. The meadow was formed by creating a shallow basin with gently sloping sides and planting the excavated area with native plants, including swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), New England aster (Aster Novae-angliae), soft rush (Juncus effuses), and blue vervain (Verbena hastata). An impermeable membrane was installed underneath the deepest portion of the basin to slow water infiltration through the meadow. Wet meadows are excellent natural water filters that give many wildlife species a place to live and forage.
To View The Site: The site is at the Edith G. Read Natural Park and Wildlife Sanctuary in the City of Rye. To get to the sanctuary, enter through Playland Park and follow the signs to the sanctuary. Park at the nature center.