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Past County Plans

Westchester 2025 is another step in the continuum of county planning that includes three preceding plans:

report coverAssumptions, Goals and Urban Form, a pioneering county planning project completed in 1975.




report coverUrban Forms Refinement was updated in 1985 from the above document. The fundamental policies articulated in "Urban Form" became the building blocks for "Patterns."




report coverPatterns for Westchester is the product of the county Planning Board’s reexamination and redefinition of the policies and strategies designed for a simpler time.

"Patterns" defined the crucial strategy for conserving the environment and nurturing the county's economy to strengthen existing centers and corridors of development.

This approach shifted the emphasis from "Urban Form" in which the over-riding concern was density patterns.

Westchester 2025 affirms the planning foundation of centers, corridors and open space and revisits the question of regional density and associated development impacts using the latest in GIS technology. Innovative parcel-based zoning build-out analyses are currently being conducted by Westchester Planning Department Staff for each municipality. Build-out results will serve as a foundation for the future 2025 Vision Plan Map of recommended land use densities.