27) Mamaroneck River at Maple Moor Golf Course, White Plains
A section of the Mamaroneck River, sandwiched between Maple Moor Golf Course and Hutchinson River Parkway in White Plains, was restored by transforming a former irrigation pond - degraded by years of sediment accumulation, trash and invasive plants – into viable wetland, riverine and floodplain habitats. These offer both water quality and fish and wildlife habitat improvements.
A newly constructed, elevated berm has split the former pond lengthwise, directing the river's main channel to run along the east bank and enabling the establishment of freshwater wetland (marsh), floodplain and streamside buffer habitats along the west bank. The Hutchinson River Parkway is east of the river and Maple Moor Golf Course is west of it. In-river structures made from boulders further direct channel flows, sending the base flow through the main channel and flood flow through the wetland and floodplain. Excavation and structural work was completed in April 2009 and planting was largely completed in June 2009.
Original restoration plans considered returning the pond to its former stature and installing a basin where the river meets the pond to collect and trap sediment to lessen the degree of further sedimentation. However, this was determined to be infeasible due to the high volume and velocity of water flow during storms. This would continually scour out the basin and quickly fill the pond in again with sediment. The project was then modified to create a two-channel system - one side containing a marsh capable of filtering stormwater runoff coming from the neighboring golf course and accommodating flood waters during storms; the other side containing the river channel and its typical water flows. The two sides are separated by the earthen berm, which consists of excavated sediment taken from the former pond.
The marsh and other wetlands at the water’s edge consist of aquatic perennials, such as arrowhead, bulrush and iris. The streamside buffer consists of native grasses, shrubs and a few trees. The berm has been planted with wetland perennials and a few trees tolerant of floodplain conditions. All of these habitats will help filter out pollutants and nutrients found in stormwater runoff from the parkway and golf course and provide shelter for fish and wildlife. The project also will help the river to flow more efficiently, thereby lessening impacts from flooding.
To View the Site: Maple Moor Golf Course is located off of Route 127 (North Street) between the Hutchinson River Parkway and McGuiness Lane. The site is along the eastern edge of the golf course next to the Hutchinson River Parkway. Due to golf play, permission is needed from golf course staff or the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation to visit the site.