Agriculture and Farmland Protection
Once the bread basket of New York City, agricultural activity in Westchester County saw a steady decline between 1983 and 1994 when nearly 4,000 acres, or 36 percent of farmland, as defined by New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Law, were lost. The environmental benefits and landscape preservation values associated with agriculture are worthy of protection. Once lost, these are not replaceable. The socio-economic vitality of agriculture in this county is essential to the economic stability and growth of many local communities and the county as a whole.
It is the policy of the county to conserve, protect and encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural land for production of food and other agricultural products. It is also the policy of the county to conserve and protect agricultural lands as valued natural and ecological resources, which provide needed open spaces for clean air and water, as well as for open space.
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board
In response to this loss of farmland, the Westchester County Agriculture & Farmland Protection Board (AFPB) was created in 1999 by act of the County Board of Legislature (BOL) pursuant to New York State Agriculture & Markets Law. The AFPB includes representatives from Westchester's agricultural industry, and its mission is to maintain the economic viability and the environmental and landscape preservation values associated with agriculture.
Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan
The Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan, adopted in 2004 by the BOL, characterizes the agricultural industry in Westchester as consisting predominantly of commercial horse boarding and other equine related activities, although the horticulture industry is also very prosperous. Traditional fruit, vegetable and other crops follow along with Christmas tree farms. The AFPB works on implementing the recommendations included in the plan, which includes developing a public outreach program, assisting local municipalities to plan for agriculture, and supporting Westchester County’s current and future agricultural entrepreneurs.
Agricultural District
The Westchester County Agricultural District will be recertified again in 2025. This process is currently underway. If you own farmland and would like to include it in the recertified district, please complete a survey at or scan the QR Code to the right. The process includes the collection of data and preparation of a report by the Westchester County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board recommending to either recertify the district as-is, modify it to include additional municipalities as eligible for inclusion, or terminate the district, If you have any questions about the district or the recertification process, please contact Jesenia Laureano, Associate Environmental Planner, at (914) 995-2085 or
The Westchester County Board of Legislators has initiated the public comment period. The legal notice is available on the Westchester County Board of Legislators’ website
Agricultural Assessments
The County Soil and Water Conservation District, staffed through the County Department of Planning, prepares Soil Group Worksheets for property owners seeking to obtain agricultural assessments for their farms. Property owners must delineate the agricultural, non-agricultural and farm woodland portions of their property on an aerial map and complete an application form. The County will prepare the Soil Group Worksheet, which the property owner must submit to the local tax assessor along with their application for an agricultural assessment.
For further information, contact David Kvinge, Assistant Commissioner, by e-mail at