As a shared service to local governments and the public, the Westchester County Department of Planning produces a variety of professional publications to aid in local and regional planning.
Below are links to local, regional, state and national level organizations - both government and non-profit. These sites may be helpful in efforts to better plan and improve our communities.
Federal Government
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- EPA Green Communities
- The Library of Congress Map Collections
State Government
- NYS Quality Communities Clearinghouse
- New York State Department of Agriculture Markets
- New York State Scenic Byways Program
- LWRP: NYS Local Water Revitalization Program
County Government
Professional, Non-Profit, Research Organizations
- Sustainable Communities Network
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- American Planning Association
- The Library of Congress Map Collections
- Smart Growth America
- Car Free Cities
- Building Technologies Program
- The Lincoln Institute
- The Conservation Fund
- Local Government Commission
- America’s Byways (National Scenic Byways Program)
- North American Water Trails
- Cyburbia
- Downtown Research & Development Center
State and Regional
- Hudson River Greenway
- Scenic Hudson
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Soundkeeper
- Sound Waters
- Hudson Basin River Watch
- Riverkeeper
- The Hudson River Watertrail Association
- Save the Sound
- Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition
- Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts
- Bronx River Alliance
- Historic Hudson Valley
- Hudson Valley Tourism
- American Planning Association
- New York Metro Chapter of APA
- Smart Growth America
- New York Planning Federation
- New York New Jersey Trail Conference
- Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area
- The Hudson River Valley Institute
- Preservation League of New York State
- Regional Plan Association
Westchester and other local area organizations