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Sleepy Hollow Downtown Study

The Village of Sleepy Hollow is pursuing a plan for their downtown.  Westchester County has developed a set of “starter materials” – maps and demographic data – that is helping to guide the Village as it hires a consultant to examine the actions needed for bringing visitors and jobs to their downtown while preserving the unique diversity of its population and businesses.  In a matter of weeks the materials were provided to the Village, allowing the Village to move quickly, and save time and reduce costs.  

Village of Sleepy Hollow Downtown Study Documents

Cover and Documents List

Map 1. Sleepy Hollow and Vicinity (Location Map)
Map 2. Aerial Photo
Map 3. Land Use – 48 Categories
Map 4. Land use – 27 Categories
Map 5. Land use Work Maps
Map 6. Zoning
Map 7. Impervious Surfaces
Map 8. Infrastructure Features
Map 9. Census Geography
Map 10. Median Household Income
Map 11. County-Wide Median Household Income
Map 12. Population Density


Table 1. Zoning Summary Sheet
Table 2. Income and Educational Attainment Compared to Surrounding Area, Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenburgh and Villages Within, 2008-2012
Table 3. Population, Sleepy Hollow, 1940-2010
Table 4. Race and Hispanic Origin, Sleepy Hollow, 1990-2010
Table 5. Population by Census Block, Block Group and Tract, Sleepy Hollow, 2000 and 2010
Table 6. County-Wide General Population and Housing Characteristics, 2010
Table 7. County-Wide Household and Family Data, 2008-2012
Table 8. Median Household Income, Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenburgh and Villages Within, 2008-2012
Table 9. Number of Households, Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenburgh and Villages Within, 2008-2012
Table 10. Age, 2010 (Three Age Ranges), Towns of Mt. Pleasant and Greenburgh and Villages Within, 2008-2012
Table 11. Street Level Building Tenant Use in Study Area, April 2014
Table 12. Total Building Tenant Use in Study Area, April 2014


Resource Documents
Document 1. Business Cluster Action Plan
Document 2. C-1 Highway Commercial District Planning and Zoning Study
Document 3. Sign Manual and Plan for Historic River Towns of Westchester
Document 4. Lighthouse Landing
Local Law Planning Resource Guide