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Projects and Studies

The Planning Division is responsible for the following:

Transportation and Food Access Study

This study aims to identify effective strategies to increase Westchester County resident access to affordable, quality food.

Some of the issues, among others, that will be explored are: Improving transit, pedestrian, and bicycle connection to existing food sources; improving food distribution and delivery options; and changes to zoning, land use, and other municipal policies to increase the availability of food.

Please take this survey to help the County understand your experience accessing food. The suvey will be open until November 26th. Your input is greatly appreciated! Learn more about the study.

White Plains TransCenter Conceptual Planning and Design Project
The Westchester County Department of Planning, working closely with the Department of Public Works and Transportation, has completed a conceptual design plan to improve the White Plains TransCenter bus station in the City of White Plains. The plan proposes changes that would improve the aesthetics, comfort, ease of navigating, and the overall customer experience within the facility.

The plan was developed with federal funding through the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and led by a consultant team from Creighton Manning Engineering and supported by Sowinski Sullivan Architects and FHI Studio. Recommendations considered input from a public survey and feedback from key stakeholders. Survey results.

The plan includes an overall description of the study, descriptive details of the plan, and design rendering. The Plan is intended to serve as the basis for future infrastructure investments to improve the TransCenter.

Grasslands Campus TDM Plan
Westchester County is exploring ways to make it easier to travel to, from and within the Grasslands Campus. The Campus consists of multiple institutions, including the Westchester Medical Center, the New York Medical College and a wide range of county facilities. The Grasslands Campus Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan will outline the strategies that Westchester County will use to make travel to and around the Grasslands Campus easier and more environmentally friendly.

County Mobility and Bus Redesign Study
Given the nationwide trends of declining bus ridership, technological advances and a greater range of available mobility options, Westchester County has completed an overall assessment of its current transit system and a bus network redesign to better meet the emerging mobility needs of the region. The approach of this study is to utilize a 'blank slate' strategy to redesign transit service from the ground up by objectively reviewing existing transit conditions and determining market needs. Learn more about the study findings and proposed recommendations. A Storymap will be posted shortly.

This Peer Review examines how Bee-Line System peer transit agencies have gone about planning and implementing bus system redesign projects, and is intended to provide a framework for Westchester County in identifying an appropriate approach to undertaking its own redesign effort.

2022 Bee Line Passenger Survey

A survey was conducted on-board Bee-Line buses during the period May 6 through May 29, 2022. Survey staff was trained by CJI Research LLC’s partner, Ronny Kraft, LLC. The survey sample (N=4,202) was based on a random sample of runs and trips of Bee-Line buses, adjusted to approximate ridership by route and to optimize coverage. Data were weighted to adjust the statistical analysis to be representative of the actual distribution of passengers among the routes. Similar surveys were conducted previously in 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. Some of the results of those earlier surveys are used in this report for comparison purposes.

For copies of the survey you may reach out to Steve Courage, Associate Transportation Planner, Westchester County Department of Planning at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2019 Bee Line Passenger Survey
A survey was conducted on-board Bee-Line buses during the period April 22 through May 11, 2019.  Survey staff was trained by CJI Research LLC’s partner, Ronny Kraft, LLC. The survey sample (N=6,438) was based on a random sample of runs and trips of Bee-Line buses, adjusted to closely represent Bee-Line ridership for route and day of week. Data were weighted to adjust the statistical analysis to be representative of the actual distribution of passengers among the routes. Similar surveys were conducted in 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Some of the results of those earlier surveys are used in this report for comparison purposes.

Bee-Line Bus Operations Study between 242nd Street and Getty Square

  • The 242nd Street/Getty Square corridor is served by the Bee-Line Routes 1, 2 and 3. This corridor is one of the busiest in Westchester County, with nearly 300 Route 1/2/3 trips transporting approximately 17,000 passengers each weekday. The Westchester County Department of Public Works and Transportation is seeking opportunities to improve the operational efficiency along the corridor in order to best serve the needs of its users.

  • Bee-Line Bus Operations Study - 242nd Street to Getty Square Corridor Final Report

Public Meetings were held in March and November 2018:

Estudio de Operaciones del Autobús Bee-Line entre la Calle 242 y la Plaza Getty
El corredor 242nd Street / Getty Square es servido por las Rutas 1, 2 y 3 de Bee-Line. Este corredor es uno de los más concurridos en el Condado de Westchester, con casi 300 viajes de la Ruta 1/2/3 que generan aproximadamente 17,000 pasajeros cada día de la semana. El Departamento de Obras Públicas y Transporte del Condado de Westchester está buscando oportunidades para mejorar la eficiencia operativa a lo largo del corredor con el fin de atender mejor las necesidades de sus usuarios.

Westchester County Bee-Line System First and Last Mile Connections Mobility Study
The Westchester County Bee-Line System First and Last Mile Connections Mobility Study aims to investigate how other cities and suburban areas, along with their transit agencies/operators, are developing innovative approaches to expanding options for people to overcome first mile/last mile challenges to transit through partnerships with Transportation Network Companies. The Study identifies partnerships that have been attempted in recent years, and analyzes whether those models may be able to translate into a service that can work for Westchester County.

Bee-Line Routes 7 and 13 Study
The Bee-Line Routes 7 and 13 Transit Study assessed the Bee-Line Network's two busiest east-west transit corridors for opportunities to operate faster, more reliably and more efficiently to best serve the needs of current and future customers and support future growth. The study was completed in May 2017.  Implementation is currently underway.

Public meetings were held in May 2016 and October 2016.

Study Materials Route 7:

Study Materials Route 13:

Completed Studies and Data (2016 and Earlier)

  • The Mid-Hudson South Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan  for Westchester, Rockland and Putnam Counties, completed in 2001, maps an expanded regional network of multi-use off-road paths, hiking trails and bike routes totaling over 350 miles. The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council's (NYMTC) Regional Transportation Plan 2018-2045 contains the current "priority projects" identified for implementation.  Go to Regional Transportation Plan Appendix which lists bicycle and pedestrian plans for the NYMTC region.