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Transportation Planning

The Transportation Planning Division of the Department of Planning plans activities associated with Bee-Line bus operations, carries out federal requirements for transportation planning and participates in regional planning activities. The Planning Division acts as a liaison with county departments, such as the Department of Public Works and state and federal agencies on the coordination of transportation programs and services, grant preparation and compliance.

Westchester County is a member of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, the federally designated agency for transportation planning in the region.

County Mobility and Transit Plan: Westchester County has recently completed a study that aims to better align the county’s mobility network with the needs of its residents. Learn more about the project.

Transportation and Food Access Study Survey: Westchester County wants to make it easier for residents to travel to get affordable, nutritious food. The initial survey is closed. You may send comments or questions about the study to Steve Courage, Associate Transportation Planner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Learn more about the study.