Regional Issues
The scope of planning for Westchester County and its municipalities extends by necessity beyond the county’s borders. With a strategic location in the multi-county, multi-state New York City metropolitan area, the county’s economy and quality of life is closely tied to the surrounding area through employment, commerce, industry, recreation and culture. The transportation system and other infrastructure components are regional in operation and function. The county government is often called on to represent the interest of its municipalities in regional organizations.
From an environmental perspective, the county’s borders are not fixed limits. Surface public water supply sources cross municipal, county and state lines. The quality of the county’s shorefronts on the Hudson River and Long Island Sound is dependent on actions across a wide geographical area.
A collaborative project of cities, counties and regional planning organizations, the New York-Connecticut Sustainable Communities, offers information on this initiative to integrate housing, economic development, transportation and environmental planning in these two states.
Westchester County must take part in numerous regional programs and activities to serve and protect the interests of residents and businesses. The links below provide examples of regional initiatives.