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In partnership with the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation, Housing Action Council and select municipalities, Habitat for Humanity will coordinate the construction of accessory apartments on the properties of low- to moderate-income residents of Bedford, Dobbs Ferry, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington, Cortlandt, Croton-on-Hudson and Yorktown

For additional information please visit Plus One ADU - Habitat NYC and Westchester

17) Gardens Lake in Sheldrake River, Mamaroneck

Gardens Lake

The Sheldrake River begins in the northern neighborhoods of New Rochelle, flowing south through several man-made ponds. The northernmost is Carpenters Pond, followed in order to the south by Dickermans Pond, Sheldrake Lake, Goodlife Pond and, finally, Gardens Lake. Each of these impoundments, or ponds, is formed by a dam across the Sheldrake River. Each traps sediment from the river. In fact, Dickermans Pond is no longer a pond at all. It had completely filled in with sediment, providing a medium for invasive plant species like common reeds (Phragmites) and Japanese knotweed.

Gardens Lake is surrounded by a residential neighborhood and Interstate 95.  Known as the “duck pond,” this lake also experienced rapid sedimentation, requiring periodic and costly dredging. The accumulation of sediment degraded the lake’s ecosystem and water quality in not only the lake but also the downstream Sheldrake River, Mamaroneck River and Long Island Sound. It also detracts from the lake’s recreational and aesthetic values. The lake, however, has now been fully rejuvenated as part of a comprehensive, multi-phase restoration project completed at the end of 2010. The first phase of this work in 2004 involved the construction of a sediment trap where the Sheldrake River enters the lake. The trap consists of a concrete block and stone weir (underwater wall) across the lake's entrance. Sediment, leaves and other material carried by the river into the lake will drop out of suspension by the slower waters behind the weir, thereby preventing it from entering the lake. The sediment trap needs to be cleaned out at least once a year, but this will be far less costly over the long-term than dredging the entire lake.
Gardens Lake

The second project phase focused on dredging the some 9,500 cubic yards of sediment from the lake and disposing of this material at off-site locations.  This phase included the installation of bypass pipes and control valves to let the town draw down the lake’s water level prior to large storms.  By doing so, the town will be increasing the lake’s water storage capacity, thereby allowing the lake to store a greater volume of storm water and helping to lessen the risk of downstream flooding.  This phase also included the construction of a band of wetland along part of the lake edge and conversion of lawn surrounding the lake into meadow.  Both of these habitats will help improve the lake’s water quality and ecological value. Finally, several catch basins handling drainage to the lake were replaced with units that more effectively capture sediment before it gets into the lake. 

To View The Site: The site is next to Myrtle Boulevard and Lakeside Drive (off of Weaver Street) in the Town of Mamaroneck. The pond is surrounded by town parkland and a walking path runs alongside its western and northern shores.