31) Stormwater Practices and Bank Stabilization, Scout Field
This project was done in two phases. First phase construction was completed in June 2011. The site’s natural features and floodplain were restored and stormwater management practices were installed in keeping with the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual. The project also included stabilization of an eroded drainage channel draining to the Bronx River. Stone weirs, check dams, revetments and boulders designed to slow velocity in the channel and protect the river’s banks from erosion were used.
A stormwater wetland was built next to the drainage channel. Excessive stormwater runoff from the channel is diverted into the wetland. A low, rock inlet between the channel and wetland allows stormwater from the channel to spill over into the wetland.
The site was dominated by invasive plant species (mugwort, vines, reeds, knotweed), as well as trash and debris, which were removed. The site was planted with native vegetation. An existing path was replaced with new asphalt, which was pitched to direct stormwater runoff into the wetland.
The second phase focused on the stabilization of the east and west banks of the Bronx River, which were severely eroding and contributing sediment to the river. It was completed in September 2013. Three new rock structures within the river channel guide water flow away from susceptible river banks and toward the center of the channel. The banks also were partially armored with rock due to the high velocity of flow through this area during severe storms. The restoration area was planted with a buffer of native shrubs and trees and seed mixes.
Both phases improved water quality and stormwater runoff absorption, thereby lessening the volume of water getting into the Bronx River. The project received partial funding from the state Bronx River Watershed Initiative. The project also is recommended in the Bronx River Watershed Management Plan prepared by the county-led, intermunicipal Bronx River Watershed Coalition.
To View The Site: The site is accessible from Midland Avenue between Desmond Avenue in Yonkers and Kraft Avenue in Bronxville. Parking is limited.