East of Hudson Water Quality Fund
The Memorandum of Agreement provided $38 million dollars to Westchester County by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to support the implementation of water quality investments in the Croton and Kensico watersheds. With interest, the fund is now over $55 million dollars. The following projects are eligible for funding:
- Sewage diversion project
- Water Quality Measures identified in the Comprehensive Croton System Water Quality Protection Plan
- Rehabilitation or replacement of septic systems that are failing or likely to fail in certain areas
- Community septic systems and related infrastructure in areas of existing development to address existing or anticipated water quality problems
- Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) at existing concentrated areas of impervious surfaces to the extent the BMPs are necessary to correct or reduce existing erosion and/or pollution
- New or upgraded sand & salt storage facilities
- Sewer collection systems or sewer extensions to serve areas with xisting water quality problems
- Streambank stabilization & protection measures
- Any other purpose approved by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Local Projects: $3,750,000
On October 8, 2002, the NWWC, agreed that $3.75 million from the EOH Fund should be allocated in equal shares of $312,500 to each of the twelve NWWC municipalities for local/municipal water quality improvement projects proposed by each of those municipalities.
Watershed-wide Projects: $ 3,750,000
The NWWC requested that $3.75 million be allocated for watershed-wide projects. These projects will be subject to Board of Legislators approval as they are developed and will also follow the Right of Objection process.
Priority Wastewater Projects: $50,000,000
The NWWC requested that $50 million be allocated for priority wastewater projects. These projects will be subject to Board of Legislators approval as they are developed and will also follow the Right of Objection process.
The five identified projects are:
- Hallocks Mill Sewer District in Yorktown
- Riverwoods and Random Farms WWTPs and the Stanwood and Yeshiva Focus Areas in New Castle and Bedford
- Bedford Hills/Katonah focus area in the Town of Bedford
- Lake Shenorock focus area in the Town of Somers
- Peach Lake focus area in the Town of North Salem