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Westchester County’s population grew by 3% from 923,459 to 949,113 between the 2000 and 2010 Census, a higher rate of growth than the New York State average of 2% during this period but lower than the nation’s growth at 10%. The largest percentage gains during the decade were in Harrison (14%), Somers (11%), and Rye Brook (9%); the largest numeric increases were in New Rochelle (4,880), White Plains (3,776), and Harrison (3,318).

The Census Bureau recorded population loss in 10 Westchester County municipalities. The largest percentage losses were found in Larchmont (-10%), Scarsdale (-4%), and Bedford (-4%); numeric losses were greatest in Mount Vernon (-1,089), Bedford (-798), and Scarsdale (-657).

Population gain in Westchester was largely fueled by an increase in the population who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The Hispanic population grew by 62,908 and now constitute 22% of the county’s population. Every municipality in the county recorded a gain in Hispanic population. Hispanic or Latino population now constitute a majority in Port Chester (59%) and Sleepy Hollow (51%). 

Population Tables
Population Estimates 2010-2014
Population Change by Municipality, 1940-2010
Population by Municipality including Race and Hispanic Origin
Hispanic Population by Type, 2000 & 2010
Population Density by Municipality, 2000 & 2010
Group Quarters Population, 2010
Population by 5-year Age Cohorts, 2010
Percentage of Population by 5-Year Age Cohorts
Male Population by 5-Year Age Cohorts, 2010
Female Population by 5-Year Age Cohorts, 2010
Major Ancestry Groups 2013-2017
Marital Status 2013-2017
Veteran Population 2013-2017
Veterans by Period of Service 2013-2017
Population by Zip Code
Population by Zip Code Tabulation Area for 2000 and 2010 Census
Population by Zip Code including Race and Hispanic Origin 2010 Census
Housing Units and Population by Zip Code 2010 Census
Population Density by Census 2010 Block Group
Population Density by Census 2010 Block
Population Change 2000-2010 by Census Tract
Demographic Themes, including Percent White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, 18 and over Population by Census Tract