Municipal Resources
MS4 - Phase II Stormwater Education and Outreach Program
The County of Westchester has been authorized to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to accept a grant from NYSDEC. The grant will be used to develop and implement a regional stormwater education and outreach program. The amount of the grant will not exceed $200,000.00 and the term of the agreement is March 1, 2007 to February 28, 2009.
The Westchester County Department of Planning and 38 participating municipalities will implement the program. The education and outreach program will address two of the six minimum control measures of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit for stormwater discharges from municipal storm sewer systems.
The agreement will serve the public purpose by improving the water quality in the County of Westchester.
The county, pursuant to Act 225-2007 and Act 226-2007, was authorized to enter into and accept Environmental Protection Funds in the amount of $200,000.00 from the NYSDEC. The grant requires a 50 percent match (of the total project cost of $400,000) consisting of $150,000 of in-kind services from Westchester County and $50,000 collectively from the 38 participating municipalities.
How to meet two of the six minimum control measures:
- Public outreach and education
- Public participation and involvement
All information located on the site can be used by the 38 participating municipalities for local education programs and/or stormwater campaigns. These tools will help municipal partners to develop and implement an effective outreach campaign as part of a municipal local water quality improvement effort.
For further ideas on how to implement the information presented on this site, please read the National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices. Examples of appropriate implementation:
- Public Service Announcements: Download and air the TV and Radio PSAs on your local stations.
- Print Materials: Download and print the available print materials and ask a local volunteer group to allocate.
- Education Materials: Hold an Earth Day event or education event at your local school.
- Rain Gardens: Build a demonstration rain garden in your community to educate residents about its many water quality benefits.
- Rain Barrels: Construct demonstration rain barrels to educate residents about techniques that not only save water but minimize stormwater runoff.
For questions regarding the MS4 – Phase II Stormwater Education and Outreach Program, contact David Kvinge at