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Print Materials

We offer these materials to get you started in spreading the word about protecting our environment.

Customizable USEPA Publications
The EPA has developed stormwater outreach and reference documents that state and local governments can customize to use in their own stormwater outreach campaigns. The electronic files contain space for officials to add their own contact information and inexpensively reproduce these materials. The general public, homeowners, construction site operators, even and children, can view, download and print the materials. Here are a few we think are particularly useful.

  • After the Storm:  A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding Stormwater
    11” x 17” quarter-folded brochure for color printing on a medium to heavy weight paper. The brochure includes an overview of stormwater runoff, effects of pollution, and guidelines for homeowners, commercial, construction, agriculture, forestry, and automotive facilities. The back cover provides ample space for adding local contact information.

  • Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution:  A Homeowner’s Guide to Healthy Habits for Clean Water
    5.5” x 17” tri-folded brochure for color printing on cardstock. The brochure includes a brief overview of stormwater runoff and bulleted lists of things that homeowner’s can do to reduce NPS pollution in their vehicle and garage, lawn and garden, home repair and improvement, pet care, swimming pool and spa, and septic system use and maintenance.

  • Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area!
    4.3” x 11” door hanger for color printing on cardstock. The door hanger lets the citizens know about stormwater pollution problems in their area and what can be done to minimize or eliminate the pollutants. The door hanger would be good to use alone or with a storm drain marking project. The front provides space to write in where the storm sewer system leads as well as space for adding local contact information.

Westchester County Publications