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Audio Visual Materials

The county’s Communications Department will develop four Public Service Announcements (PSA) to educate residents about the connection between their everyday activities and water quality issues.  Each of the four seasonal PSAs will be 30 seconds in length and air for approximately three months at a time on Cablevision News12 during 2009. Funding for advertising costs has been provided by a grant from the New York State Department of State: Water Quality Planning and Implementation Grants.

  • Winter PSA: Salt and Stormwater (00:36 min.) - For more information on de-icing and protecting our drinking water, read our Winter Deicing tips. 
  • Spring PSA: Scoop the Poop (00:30 min.) - Pet waste can be a major source of bacteria and excess nutrients in local waters. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into the storm drain and eventually into local waterbodies.
  • Summer PSA:  Car Washing and Water Quality (00:30 min) Most citizens are not aware that by washing the grime off their vehicles, they are polluting the environment. When cars are washed on streets and driveways, dirty water enters storm drains and eventually winds up in rivers, streams, creeks and lakes. Read tips on how best to wash your car.
  • Fall PSA: 4: Fertilizer and Water Quality (00:30 min) Excess fertilizer applied to lawns and gardens wash off and pollute streams. Because they contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied in excess, these nutrients nourish weed growth and algae in our lakes, rivers and steams.