Planning Board Referral Response Letters 2021
2021 County Planning Board Referral Response Letters
- BED 21-001 Approval Procedure Zoning Text Amendment
- BED 21-004 Homeland Towers, Haines Road Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
Briarcliff Manor
- BMR 21-001 Affordable Housing - Zoning Text Amendment
- BMR 21-001B Affordable Housing, Special Use Permits and Site Development Plan Approvals Zoning Text Amendments
- BMR 21-002 Regulation of Solar Energy Collectors Zoning Text Amendments
- BMR 21-003 Various Zoning Text Amendments
- BMR 21-004 Morrell Wine Facility 600 Albany Post Road Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- BXV 21-001 Single-Family Site Plan Approvals
- BXV 21-002 Code Definitions & Single-Family Area Regulations Zoning Text Amendment
- BXV 21-003 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing - Zoning Text Amendment
- BXV 21-004 Public Notice Requirements Zoning Text Amendment
- CTD 21-001 Hudson Ridge Wellness Center 2016 Quaker Ridge Road Special Permit and Site Plan Approval
- CTD 21-002 Cortlandt Mill Solar Farm Mill Court (3479 Lexington Avenue) Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- CTD 21-003 Gas Station Moratorium
- CTD 21-004 Solar Energy Systems Moratorium
- CRO 21-001 41-51 Maple Street Special Use Permit Approval
- CRO 21-002 Van Cortlandt Manor Entrance Road 525 South Riverside Avenue
- CRO 21-003 Hudson National Golf Club Maintenance Area - Special Permit and Site Plan Amendments
- CRO 21-004 Zoning Text Amendment: Lawn Signs
- CRO 21-005 Zoning Text Amendments: Arcades, Notification Requirements and Penalties
- CRO 21-006 1380 Albany Post Road Zoning Text Amendment, Site Plan, and Special Use Permit Approval
Dobbs Ferry
- ECH 21-001 Design Shopping Center District - Zoning Text Amendment
- ECH 21-002 Lord and Taylor Redevelopment Site Plan
- ELM 21-001 Eagle Energy Battery Storage 200 Knollwood Road Extension Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- ELM 21-002 RMC Development, 59 Valley Avenue Lead Agency Notification
- GRB 21-001 Hackley School Center for Creative Arts & Technology - 293 Benedict Ave - Site Plan Approval
- GRB 21-002 Brightview Senior Living Metropolis - 289 Dobbs Ferry Rd - Site Plan Approval & Special Permit Approvals
- GRB 21-003 Regeneron Parcel D 777 Old Saw Mill River Road Site Plan and Special Permit Amendments
- GRB 21-004 Zoning Amendment: Battery Energy Storage Systems
- GRB 21-004B Zoning Amendment: Battery Energy Storage Systems
- GRB 21-007 Midway Shopping Center Site Plan and Special Permit Amendments
- HAR 21-002 Dunkin’ Restaurant 260 Halstead Avenue Site Plan Approval
- HAR 21-003B 2700 Westchester Avenue Redevelopment 2500-2700 Westchester Avenue Zoning Text Amendment and Special Exception Use
- HAR 21-003C 2700 Westchester Avenue Redevelopment 2500-2700 Westchester Avenue Zoning Text Amendment and Special Exception Use
- HAR 21-004 Morgan Stanley Campus Renovation Special Permit and Site Plan Amendments
- HAR 21-005 53 Halstead Avenue Site Plan and Special Exception Use Approvals
- HAR 21-008 Colonial Arms Extension of Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- HAS 21-001 Residential Height Restrictions Zoning Text Amendment
- HAS 21-002 MR-O District Provisions Zoning Text Amendment
- LEW 21-001 Outdoor Restaurant Seating Zoning Text Amendment
- LEW 21-002 Wolf Conservation Center, Buck Run Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- LEW 21-003 Gas Stations Zoning Text Amendment
- LEW 21-004 Oakridge Apartments 920 Oakridge Commons Site Plan Approval
Mamaroneck Village
- MMV 21-001 Mamaroneck Self-Storage 416 Waverly Avenue Site Plan Approval and Area Variances
- MMV 21-002 715 Mamaroneck Avenue Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- MMV 21-003 572 Van Ranst Place Site Plan Approval
Mount Kisco
- MTK 21-001 Wireless Service Facilities Overlay - Zoning Text Amendment
- MTK 21-002 CJ Developers, 461 Lexington Avenue Site Plan Approval
- MTK 21-003 Coast to Coast Industries, 134 Main Street Site Plan Approval
- MTK 21-005 DH Self-Storage 150 Radio Circle Drive Site Plan Approval
- MTK 21-006 Rivera Toyota 353 North Bedford Road Site Plan Approval
Mount Pleasant
- MTP 21-001 Envision Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- MTP 21-001B Envision Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- MTP 21-002 Brightview Senior Living 236 Grasslands Road Zoning Text and Map Amendments, Site Plan Approval
- MTP 21-004 CES Hawthorne Solar LLC, Gate of Heaven Cemetery Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- MTP 21-005 Meadows at Briarcliff 715 Sleepy Hollow Road Subdivision and Site Plan Approval – Draft Scoping Document
Mount Vernon
- MTV 21-001 The Vernon Commons 65 West 2nd Street Zoning Map Amendment
- MTV 21-001B The Vernon Commons 65 West 2nd Street Zoning Text Amendment
- MTV 21-002 The Armory Terraces 219 West 3rd Street Zoning Map Amendment
- MTV 21-002B The Armory Terraces 208 North Fifth Avenue Zoning Map Amendment
- MTV 21-003 The Attic Self-Storage, 219 West 3rd Street Zoning Text Amendment
- MTV 21-003B The Attic Self-Storage, 219 West 3rd Street Zoning Text Amendment
- MTV 21-003C The Attic Self-Storage 219 West 3rd Street Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- MTV 21-004 Convenience Store and Gasoline Station 434 Gramatan Avenue Zoning Text Amendment
- MTV 21-004B Gasoline Station Convenience Store Zoning Text Amendment
- MTV 21-005 Mount Vernon East TOD Overlay District Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- MTV 21-006 115 South Macquesten Parkway Site Plan Approval
- MTV 21-007 MX-1 Commercial Corridor District Zoning Text and Map Amendments Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
- MTV 21-008 PUCD-Park District 1 Bradford Road Zoning Text and Map Amendments – Lead Agency Notification
- MTV 21-008B Planned Adjacent Park District 1 Bradford Road Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- MTV 21-009 Q West Tower 1 25 & 29 North Macquesten Parkway Site Plan Approval
- MTV 21-010 Q West Tower 2 1 & 7-11 North Macquesten Parkway Site Plan Approval
- MTV 21-011 505 Gramatan Avenue Rezoning Zoning Map Amendment
- MTV 21-011B 505 Gramatan Senior Housing 505 Gramatan Avenue Zoning Map Amendment
New Rochelle
- NRO 21-001 Motor Vehicle Rental Agencies Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-002 Senior Citizen Overlay Zone Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-003 Off-Street Parking and Loading Space Requirements - Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-004 Requirements for Affordable Housing Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-005 Drive-Thru Facilities in the C-1M District Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-005B Starbucks (with drive-thru) 80 Huguenot Street Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- NRO 21-006 Downtown Overlay Zone Amendments Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- NRO 21-006B Downtown Overlay Zone Amendments Supplemental Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- NRO 21-007 McDonald’s Renovations, 280 Main Street Site Plan Approval
- NRO 21-008 Self-Storage in Neighborhood Business Districts Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-009 DOZ Parking Leases Zoning Text Amendment
- NRO 21-010 Ursuline School, 1454 North Avenue Special Permit Application
New Castle
- NWC 21-001 Round Rock Preserve Site Plan/Subdivision
- NWC 21-003 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in the B-R and B-RP Districts Zoning Text Amendment
- NWC 21-004 Chappaqua Hamlet Moratorium Extension
- NWC 21-005 Nakash Residence, 2 Meadowhill Road Site Plan Approval
- NWC 21-007 Riverwoods Sewer System Improvements Site Plan Approval
- NWC 21-008 106 Tripp Street Site Plan Approval
- NWC 21-009B Chappaqua Hamlet Form Based Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- NWC 21-010 90 Inningwood Road Site Plan
North Castle
- NOC 21-001 Eagle Ridge - 3 North Castle Drive - Zoning Text & Map Amendment, Subdivision and Site Plan Approval, Final Environmental Impact Statement
- NOC 21-002 The Summit Club 568 Bedford Road Special Use Permit Approval
- NOC 21-002B The Summit Club Residential Phase 568 Bedford Road Site Plan Approval
- NOC 21-003 94 Business Park Drive Site Plan Amendment
- NOC 21-004 Armonk Close, 162 Bedford Road Site Plan Approval
- NOC 21-005 Wireless Communications Facilities Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 21-006 1 Guion Lane Site Plan
- NOC 21-007 Airport Campus, 113 King Street Zoning Text Amendment and Site Plan Approval
- NOC 21-008 Commercial Dog Care Facilities Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 21-009 Kent Farrington Horse Farm Expansion 263 Bedford Banksville Road Special Use Permit Approval
- NOC 21-010 Home Based Business Regulations Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 21-011 Artemis Farms Groom’s Quarters Site Plan and Special Use Permit Amendment Approval
- NOC 21-012 Bucks Flower Garden Expansion 65 Bedford Banksville Road Site Plan and Special Use Permit Amendment Approval
- NOC 21-013 BeatBox Spinning Studio, 1 Labriola Court Zoning Text Amendment
North Salem
Ossining Town
- OST 21-001 Battery Energy Storage Systems - Zoning Text Amendment
- OST 21-002 River Knoll, 40 Croton Dam Road Zoning Map Amendment and Site Plan Approval Draft Scoping for Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Ossining Village
- OSV 21-001 Village of Ossining Comprehensive Plan Downtown and Croton Avenue Overlay Districts – Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- OSV 21-002 76/80 Broadway Development Site plan and conditional use approvals
- OSV 21-003 30 Water Street Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Approvals
- OSV 21-004 Administrative Adjustments Zoning Text Amendment
- PEL 21-001 Child Day Care Services Zoning Text Amendment
- PEL 21-003 Private and Parochial Schools Zoning Text Amendment
- PKS 21-001 SOLO Diversified Use Development 1005, 1009, 1011, 1013, 1017 Lower South Street Special Permit and Site Plan Approval
- PKS 21-002 630 Washington Street Grocery Store Site Plan
- PKS 21-003 Highland Industrial Park Self-Storage 1 and 3 Highland Industrial Park Drive Site Plan Approval
- PKS 21-004 Corporate Drive Storage Site Plan
- PKS 21-005 Mountain View Drive Development 946 Lockwood Drive Subdivision and Site Plan Approval
- PKS 21-006 Howard Street Rezoning Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- PKS 21-007 Tree Preservation Ordinance Zoning Text Amendment
Pelham Manor
Pound Ridge
- PDR 21-001 103 Barnegat Road Site Plan
- PDR 21-002 492 Long Ridge Road Site Plan Approval
- PDR 21-003 218 Honey Hollow Road Site Plan Approval
- PDR 21-004 Pound Ridge Library 271 Westchester Avenue Site Plan Approval
Port Chester
- PCH 21-001 Maximum Building Width - Zoning Text Amendment
- PCH 21-002 Port Chester Holdings 27-45 North Main Street & 28 Adee Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 21-003 United Hospital Redevelopment 406-408 Boston Post Road & 999 High Street Site Plan, Subdivision and Special Exception Use Approvals
- PCH 21-003B United Hospital Redevelopment 406-408 Boston Post Road & 999 High Street SD-PMU District Zoning Text Amendment
- PCH 21-004 Zachy’s Wine Events Zoning Text Amendment and Site Plan Amendment
- PCH 21-005 208-216 King Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 21-006 Modified Marina Redevelopment Project "Retail "D", 1 North Main Street Site Plan Amendment
- PCH 21-007 2SM Development 2-16 South Main Street, 7 & 15 East Broadway, and 106 Westchester Avenue Site Plan Approval
- PCH 21-008 229 Willett Avenue Site Plan Approval
Rye Brook
- RYB 21-001 Upper Bowman Pond Tree Removal Project 280 Bowman Avenue Site Plan Approval
- RYB 21-002 900 King Street Redevelopment Site Plan Approval
- RYB 21-003 Art Studios and Personal or Group Instructional Studios Zoning Text Amendment
Rye City
- RYC 21-001 Rye Country Self-Storage 21, 22, 23 Nursery Lane Site Plan Approval
- RYC 21-002 601 Midland Avenue Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- RYC 21-004 Lot Width and Configuration Requirements Zoning Text Amendment
Sleepy Hollow
- SLH 21-001 C-2 and R-4A Districts Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- SLH 21-002 Lighthouse Landing Communities, LLC Phase 2, Building H, Edge-on-Hudson, 199 Beekman Avenue Site Plan Amendment
- SOM 21-001 Highview Court – 259 Route 100 Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map and Text Amendments; Site Plan Approval
- SOM 21-002 Somers Sanitation Transfer and Recycling Facility – 241 Somerstown Road Site Plan Amendment
- SOM 21-002B Somers Sanitation Transfer and Recycling Facility – 241 Somerstown Road Site Plan Amendment
- SOM 21-002C Somers Sanitation Transfer and Recycling Facility – 241 Somerstown Road Site Plan Amendment
- SOM 21-003 CVS Pharmacy 77 & 81 Route 6 Site Plan and Area Variance
- SOM 21-004 Miscellaneous Zoning Text Amendments
- TTN 21-001 Definition of General Offices Zoning Text Amendment
- TTN 21-002 Tallyrand LLC 200 White Plains Road Site Plan
White Plains
- WHP 21-002 52 NW Plains Venture, LLC - 20 Haarlem Avenue and 27 Holland Avenue - Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-003 One City Place Signs - Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-004 Westmoreland Lofts One-Year Extension of Site Plan & Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 21-005 One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approvals
- WHP 21-006 Westpark Parking Garage One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approvals
- WHP 21-007 Gateway II, 85 North Lexington Avenue Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-008 BR-2 Zone Extension Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- WHP 21-009 Mount Hope Zion Church One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approvals
- WHP 21-010 60 South Broadway One-Year Extension of Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 21-011 701-777 Westchester Avenue - PCD Overlay Zoning Map Amendment and Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-012 Comfort Inn & Suites 441 Central Park Avenue Site Plan and Special Permit Approval
- WHP 21-013 124 Old Mamaroneck Road Subdivision
- WHP 21-014 Beitel Group One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-015 The Collection One-Year Extension of Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 21-016 52 N. Broadway – Residential Development Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-017 Government Use Permit Application
- WHP 21-018 CB-2 District Dimensional Standards Zoning Text Amendment
- WHP 21-019 Living Word Church One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-020 Southern Land Company, LLC 250 Mamaroneck Avenue One-Year Extension of Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 21-021 Fee-In-Lieu Parking Zoning Text Amendment
- WHP 21-022 Saber-North White Plains, LLC 70 Westchester Avenue Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 21-023 Arthouse WP Developments 1 and 10 Lyon Place Site Plan Amendment Approvals
- WHP 21-024 Blume-Raposa Residence 135 Saxon Woods Road Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-025 51 South Broadway Site Plan Approvals
- WHP 21-026 Voda Solar Resources 1133 Westchester Avenue Site Plan Amendment
- WHP 21-028 37 Dekalb Avenue One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-029 6-10 Chester Avenue Site Plan Approvals
- WHP 21-030 Hamilton Green 200 Hamilton Avenue Site Plan Amendment
- WHP 21-030B Hamilton Green 200 Hamilton Avenue One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-031 1 Water Street One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 21-033 Pace University Lot Reduction 78 North Broadway Special Permit Amendment
- WHP 21-034 250 Mamaroneck Avenue Site Plan Amendment
- YON 21-001 Affordable Housing Zoning Text Amendment
- YON 21-002 Wells Fargo Bank Site Lighting Site Plan
- YON 21-004 120 Odell Avenue Zoning Map Amendment
- YON 21-006 Ludlow Street Transit Oriented Development Plan Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- YON 21-008 BR District Satellite Colleges Zoning Text Amendment
- YON 21-009 15 Parkview Avenue Site Plan Approval
- YON 21-011 212 Warburton Avenue Renovation Site Plan and Area Variances
- YON 21-012 The Power Plant 45 Water Grant Street Site Plan Approval
- YON 21-014 Automobile Rental Establishments Zoning Text Amendment
- YON 21-015 The Central Storage 1969 Central Park Avenue Site Plan Approval
- YON 21-016 CubeSmart Self Storage 1050 Nepperhan Avenue Site Plan Approval
- YON 21-017 St. Clair Residences 32-38 Main Street and 1-3 Riverdale Avenue Site Plan Approval
- YON 21-018 671 Yonkers Avenue Site Plan and Area Variances
- YTN 21-002 Correia Enterprises, LLC 250 East Main Street, Jefferson Valley Site Plan
- YTN 21-003 712 Kitchawan Road Zoning Text Amendment and Site Plan Amendment
- YTN 21-004 Planned Design District Overlay Zones Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- YTN 21-004B Planned Design District Overlay Zones Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- YTN 21-005 Solar Farm – Dell Avenue Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- YTN 21-006 Solar Energy Systems Zoning Text Amendment
- YTN 21-006B Solar Energy Systems Zoning Text Amendment
- YTN 21-007 1760 Wiley Road Zoning Map Amendment
- YTN 21-009 Arcadia Farm Solar Farm 1300 Baptist Church Road Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- YTN 21-010 Kitchawan Farm Solar Farm 716 Kitchawan Road Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- YTN 21-011 Bird Bus Sales & Service 3805 Crompond Road Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- YTN 21-012 Home and Hearth 1750 East Main Street Site Plan Approval
- YTN 21-013 Granite Knolls Solar Project 2975 Stony Street Site Plan and Special Use Permit
For further information, contact, Michael Vernon, Planner at (914) 995-2673 or