Planning Board Referral Response Letters 2022
2022 County Planning Board Referral Response Letter
- ARD 22-001 B-R/R-O Districts Zoning Text Amendments
- ARD 22-002 774 Saw Mill River Road Site Plan Approval
- BED 22-001 Targeted Vegetation Management Zoning Text Amendment
- BED 22-002 Trinity Presbyterian Church 325 West Patent Road Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- BED 22-004 Harvey School, 240 Jay Street Site Plan and Special Use Permit Amendments
Briarcliff Manor
Dobbs Ferry
- DBF 22-001 Tree Removal Permits Zoning Text Amendment
- DBF 22-002 Accessory Dwelling Units Zoning Text Amendment
- GRB 22-001 Avalon Green Shuttle Discontinuation 500 Town Green Drive Site Plan Amendment
- GRB 22-002 Scarsdale Golf Club Tennis Improvements Site Plan and Special Permit
- GRB 22-003 Elmwood Preserve Zoning Map Amendments, Site Plan, and Subdivision Approvals Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
- GRB 22-003B Elmwood Preserve, 850 Dobbs Ferry Road Petition for Conservation District Overlay
- GRB 22-004 Cannabis Regulations Zoning Text Amendment
- GRB 22-005 Carlson’s Nursery Farm Market 625 Dobbs Ferry Road Use Variance and Site Plan Approval
- HAR 22-001 Webb Avenue Residential Development Zoning Text Amendment, Site Plan and Special Exception Use Approvals Final Environmental Impact Statement
- HAR 22-003 Morgan Stanley Campus Solar Canopy 2000 Westchester Avenue Special Exception Use and Site Plan Amendment
- HAR 22-004 2700 Westchester Avenue Redevelopment 2500-2700 Westchester Avenue Zoning Text Amendment and Special Exception Use Final Environmental Impact Statement
- HAR 22-005 The Harrison Grand, 402 Halstead Avenue Site Plan
- HAS 22-001 Roof Mounted Solar Panels Zoning Text Amendment
- HAS 22-002 Definition of Cellar Zoning Text Amendment
- HAS 22-003 1 Warburton Avenue Zoning Map Amendment and Site Plan Approval
- HAS 22-003B 1 Warburton Avenue Zoning Map Amendment and Site Plan Approval – Lead Agency Notification
- HAS 22-004 15 Spring Street Site Plan Approval
Mount Pleasant
Mount Vernon
New Castle
- NWC 22-001 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) in the B-R and B-RP Districts Zoning Text Amendment
- NWC 22-002 Chappaqua Hamlet Moratorium
- NWC 22-003 Below Street Level Apartments Zoning Text Amendment
- NWC 22-004 Random Farms Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Site Plan
New Rochelle
North Castle
- NOC 22-001 23 Bedford Banksville Road Site Plan Approval
- NOC 22-001B 23 Bedford Banksville Road Zoning Text Amendment and Special Permit Approval
- NOC 22-002 7 New King Street Site Plan Approval
- NOC 22-003 Recreation Center Special Use Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 22-004 Warehouse Use within IND-AA Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 22-005 R-MF-SCH Zoning District Zoning Text Amendment
- NOC 22-006 10 Creemer Road Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- NOC 22-007 Brothers Green Nursery Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- NOC 22-008 825 North Broadway Site Plan
- NOC 22-009 Happy Cat Hotel and Spa Special Use Permit
- NOC 22-010 12 Labriola Court Site Plan
- NOC 22-011 Parking on Lawns Zoning Text Amendment
North Salem
- NSM 22-001 Cooperative Residential Community Public Notice Requirements Zoning Text Amendment
- NSM 22-001B Cooperative Residential Community Public Notice Requirements Zoning Text Amendment
Ossining Town
Ossining Village
- OSV 22-001 31 Croton Avenue Special Use Permit
- OSV 22-002 Riverwalk Residences Van Wyck Street Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Approvals
Pelham Village
- PEL 22-001 BDFZ Business District Floating Zone Zoning Text Amendment
- PEL 22-002 Village of Pelham Restoration Initiatives Zoning Text Amendment and Site Plan Approval Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement
Port Chester
- PCH 22-001 150 Westchester Avenue Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-001B 150 Westchester Avenue Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-002 121 Poningo Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-003 15 North Main Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-004 CD-4 District Moratorium
- PCH 22-005 44 Broad Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-006 Floor and Décor, 130 Midland Avenue Site Plan Approval
- PCH 21-007 229 Willett Avenue Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-008 The Complex – 18 South Main Street Site Plan Approval
- PCH 22-009 United Hospital Redevelopment 406-408 Boston Post Road & 999 High Street Site Plan and Subdivision Approvals
- PCH 22-010 28 Pearl Street Development Site Plan Approval
Pound Ridge
- PDR 22-001 Aris Samad-Yahaya/Sven Armster 205 Honey Hollow Road Site Plan
- PDR 22-002 Christopher & Whitney Taussig 9 Great Hill Farms Road Site Plan
- PDR 22-003 RL LLC/Benjamin Clymer 223 Westchester Avenue Site Plan
- PDR 22-004 Kenneth & Alexandra Creed 246 Honey Hollow Road Site Plan
- PDR 22-005 Pound Ridge Fire District Fire House Addition Site Plan
- PDR 22-006 Pound Ridge Golf Club Site Plan Amendment
Rye City
Sleepy Hollow
- SLH 20-002B Edge-On-Hudson, Block O/P & N 199 Beekman Avenue Site Plan
- SLH 21-001 Repeal of 2021 C-2 and R-4A Amendments Zoning Text and Map Amendments
- SLH 22-001B Edge-On-Hudson Sales Office Site Plan Amendment
White Plains
- WHP 22-001 MG RMC Main LLC 50 Main Street, 34 South Lexington Avenue and 1-11 Martine Avenue One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 22-002 WPP Owner LLC 1 North Broadway One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 22-003 Westmoreland Lofts, LLC One-Year Extension of Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 22-004 Westpark Associates NY, LLC One-Year Extension of Site Plan Approval
- WHP 22-005 51 South Broadway Site Plan Approval
- WHP 22-006 Mount Hope A.M.E. Zion Church 65 Lake Street One-Year Extension of Site Plan & Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 22-007 Solar Energy Systems Zoning Text Amendment
- WHP 22-008 39 Westmoreland Avenue Site Plan and Special Permit Approvals
- WHP 22-009 Hale Avenue Residences Site Plan and Special Permit Amendments
- WHP 22-010 2 Hunting Ridge Road Subdivision
- YON 22-001 Glenwood Hill Manor 273 – 297 Glenwood Avenue, 146 Lake Avenue, and 164 Lake Avenue Zoning Map Amendment, Site Plan, Area Variances
- YON 22-002 AMS Yonkers Downtown Redevelopment Zoning Text and Map Amendments, Urban Renewal Plan Amendments, Downtown Master Plan Amendments, Site Plan Approval – Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- YON 22-003 Ludlow Community Plan Zoning Text and Map Amendments Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
- YON 22-006 Alexander Street Dedication Official Map Amendment
- YON 22-007 Wells Avenue Dedication Official Map Amendment
- YTN 22-001 Solar Power Generation Systems & Facilities Zoning Text Amendments
- YTN 22-002 Old Hill Farm Solar Farm 571 East Main Street Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- YTN 22-003 Underhill Farm 370 Underhill Avenue Planned Design District Overlay
- YTN 22-004 Yorktown Rehab & Nursing Solar Project 2300 Catherine Street Site Plan and Special Use Permit
- YTN 22-005 Shell Station Gasoline Tank Upgrades Site Plan and Special Permit
- YTN 22-006 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Signs Zoning Text Amendment
- YTN 22-007 Farmland Special Events Zoning Text Amendment
- YTN 22-008 Boutique Hotels Zoning Text Amendment
- YTN 22-009 Summit Street Official Map Amendment
For further information, contact, Michael Vernon, Planner at (914) 995-2673 or