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Croton Plan

From the water we drink to the water we swim in, it's the community's responsibility to protect this precious resource. Unfortunately, many seemingly innocuous things we do each day - wash our cars, walk our dogs, tend our lawns - can pollute our water. The historic Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was enacted to protect New York City’s drinking water supply. This groundbreaking watershed protection program is protecting drinking water for almost nine million New Yorkers without inhibiting the economic vitality of the watershed communities.

To learn more about what these plans entail, we encourage you to read them. To view or print these PDF-formatted files, download and install the free Adobe Reader.

The Croton Plan for Westchester
The Croton Plan Executive Summary
Croton Watershed Land Use Map
Croton Watershed Major Basins
New York City Water Supply System
A. Croton Watershed Municipal Ordinance Review (2002)
B. Westchester County Croton Watershed Water Quality Conditions Report (March 2002, Rev. February 2004)

C. Croton Watershed Highway, Road and Housekeeping Practices Report (July 2002, Rev. March 2004,) and

     Highway Deicing Task Force Report (2007)

D. Croton Watershed Streamwalk Report (September 2002, Rev. February 2004)

E. Northern Westchester County Groundwater Conditions Summary, Data Gaps and Program Recommendations
    (April 2003)

F. Westchester County Stormwater Management Planning Manual (2003)
G. Croton Watershed Westchester Wastewater Diversion Study - 46 MB! (1998)
H. Data Sources, Analysis and Methodology (June 2005)
I.  Public Comment Letters (2007)
J. Response to Comments (2008)