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Aquatic Restoration

Over the past two centuries, Westchester County’s natural resources, like streams, wetlands and forests, have been degraded or destroyed by human activities, especially from development and pollution. The County of Westchester has been reversing some of this damage by constructing practical and actual solutions to improving water quality and wildlife habitat around the county. These many “demonstration” projects show the way for others to also make the streams and rivers, ponds and lakes, wetlands and forests of Westchester more clean, functional and enjoyable for residents and visitors alike.

The Westchester County Department of Planning and Westchester County Soil and Water Conservation District initiated the County’s water resources improvement and management program in 1998, when the first of more than three dozen water resources projects was turned from blueprints to “construction.”  A lot was learned from the first stream and wetland restoration projects, and now the program addresses other vitally important considerations, such as general storm water management and flood control, to address both the quality and quantity of storm water runoff. Some 36 natural resources restoration and storm water management projects have been completed or are being planned, designed or constructed. As more resources are restored, water quality will continue to improve and a more diverse community of plants and animals will be established.

The Westchester County Department of Planning and Soil and Water Conservation District wish to thank the following for their assistance to this program:

  • U.S. Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey
  • USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of State
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • New York State Attorney General’s Office

View A Guide to Aquatic Buffers to learn more about the benefits of riparian and wetland buffers. 

For more information contact Matt Castro, District Manager/Principal Environmental Planner, at (914) 995-4423 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.