Stormwater Management Law

Stormwater Management Law - Stormwater Reconnaissance Plans

The county enacted a Stormwater Management Law in 2011 requiring the county to assess current conditions and identify cost-effective projects to directly address flooding and flood damage and impacts in Westchester communities. County projects to lessen the risks and impacts associated with flooding will also be guided by these plans. A Stormwater Advisory Board created under the law began meeting in 2012 and is advising the  county on flood-related matters, including the development of the reconnaissance plans and flood mitigation projects funded under the law. View the most recent Semi-Annual Status Report of activities under the program.

Under the Stormwater Management Law, the county's Department of Planning is charged with developing flood-related stormwater "reconnaissance plans" for each of the county's major watersheds or drainage basins. Working with the municipalities in each of these watersheds as well as the county's Department of Public Works and Transportation, Planning has completed all five reconnaissance plans, and they have been approved by the Westchester County Board of Legislators:

(1) Stormwater Reconnaissance Plan for the Saw Mill River-Pocantico River Watershed (December 2012)

(2) Stormwater Reconnaissance Plan for the Bronx River Watershed (April 2013)

(3) Stormwater Reconnaissance Plan for the Coastal Long Island Sound Watershed (August 2013)

(4) Stormwater Reconnaissance Plan for the Peekskill-Haverstraw Bay Watershed (March 2014)

(5) Stormwater Reconnaissance Plan for the Croton River and Inland Long Island Sound Watersheds (July 2014)

Municipalities are now able to submit requests to the departments of Planning and Public Works and Transportation for funding assistance for municipal flood improvement projects that address identified flood problem areas and areas that were the subject of flood-related studies that are included in the reconnaissance plans. Those interested in applying are directed to review the particular reconnaissance plan for their drainage basin and the program fact sheet before completing the application. For questions or assistance, call the Planning Department at 995-4424 or 995-2089.