Open Space Policy

The county has a major responsibility to preserve the quality of life in Westchester by protecting its scenic quality, environmental integrity and recreational opportunities. Land acquisition is not the sole means by which the county can achieve this goal. The county may serve as facilitator for protection/preservation actions which may be undertaken by the state, Westchester municipalities and private organizations (e.g. land trusts, foundations).

The County's open space system has two components:

In identifying lands to be acquired or otherwise protected the county will be guided by the following policies:

Policy 1. Open Space Character

It shall be the policy of the County to encourage preservation of open space as an important element in shaping Westchester’s development pattern and in preserving its aesthetic and environmental quality.

Priorities: The county will give high priority to maintaining open space elements that:

Policy 2. Recreation

It shall be the policy of Westchester to provide opportunities for active recreation (e.g.) athletic fields, swimming, golf, etc. as well as for passive recreation uses such as hiking and nature study.

Priorities: Within its spending constraints, the County will give high priority to properties that are close to concentrations of population and which provide appropriate recreational opportunities not otherwise available or accessible. 

Policy 3. Linkages

It shall be the policy of the County to continue to provide open space linkages that form a connected system of parklands in the tradition of Westchester’s major parks, parkways and regional trailway system.


Policy 4. Waterfront

It shall be the policy of the county to acquire or otherwise seek to protect suitably sized properties along the Hudson River and Long Island Sound shorelines for public access, public use and scenic enjoyment.


Policy 5. Environmental Resources

It shall be the policy of the County to facilitate the protection and preservation of properties that the county has identified as having special natural, scenic or environmental significance.


Policy 6. Historic Resources

It shall be the policy of the County to facilitate the protection or preservation of properties considered to be of historic significance.


Strategies for Implementation: