Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center

Westchester County purchased Hilltop Hanover Farm in 2003 to be used as a conservation and environmental center devoted to the preservation and protection of water quality, open space, farmland and the environment. The site promotes eco-friendly agriculture, low impact land management and sustainable living practices through demonstration, educational programs and research.

A master planning process is currently underway for the site, and we need your input. Please visit the master plan page for information on the plan and to submit your comments on Hilltop Hanover Farm and its future.

At the heart of Hilltop Hanover is a working farm that produces diversified vegetables for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and retail farm stand as well as offering educational programs for a wide variety of audiences. Through field days, farm tours, and interpretive education, the farm showcases best practices for suburban-scale agriculture. These and other programs and events are run through the Friends of Hilltop Hanover Farm

The Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC) has prepared a Whole Farm Plan for the farm and continues to implement agricultural best management practices with educational signage throughout the property. Projects include restoration of the riparian buffer (in partnership with the Hudson River Estuary Program Trees for Tribs program) along an intermittent stream on the site, a low impact composting facility and numerous projects to better manage stormwater runoff. The site is also the location of the East of Hudson used by WAC offices and has been used to conduct workshops for farmers on a variety of agricultural best management practices. Visit the East of Hudson WAC website.

The 123 acres of forested parkland on the east side of Hanover Street is managed by the County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. The Watershed Agricultural Council has prepared a forestry management plan for this parcel and is managing a deer exclusion demonstration project with the assistance of the County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Download trail map.

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center provides classroom and meeting space for allied organizations as well as areas on the site for related research projects. Topic areas include healthy food production and other farm related enterprises appropriate to suburban-scale agriculture; non-toxic land management practices; alternative energy demonstrations; healthy and sustainable living practices and a better understanding of and appreciation for the environment.

For more information, contact the farm at (914) 862-5050.