Biological Assessment

This report presents the data and documentation from the field collection, processing, analysis, and application of nekton, wildlife, and water quality survey data that were completed in support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New York District’s (District) Bronx River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Project (Project).

The project is currently in the feasibility phase and potential restoration proposals include redirection of river flow to form a defined channel, placement of ponded areas off-line, reconfiguration of a weir-dam structure, in-stream physical habitat augmentation, reconnection of the river to the floodplain, restoration of floodplain wetlands, implementation of bioretention and sediment detention areas, and stream bank stabilization.

The project’s non-Federal sponsors are the Westchester County Department of Planning and The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP).

The proposed project area encompasses a 23-mile long and 4-mile wide drainage area of the Bronx River that begins at the Kensico Reservoir in Westchester County and ends at the confluence of the Bronx River with the East River. Intense urbanization in the project area has contributed to increased velocities and volumes of stormwater runoff, decreased base flows to the river, increased stream temperatures, and increased acreage of invasive species.

 Final Data and Documentation Report
 Appendix A: Photographic Documentation
 Appendix B: Copies of Field Notes
 Appendix C: GPS Data & Appendix D: Fish Survey Data Forms
 Appendix E: Survey Data Spreadsheets