AFPB Workshops
The Westchester County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board sponsors a workshop each year focusing on information of interest to farm owners and others interested in agriculture. Following are workshop topics and presentations.
2012, Protecting Our Farmland: Ag Districts and You, Dec. 3, Yorktown Town Hall
2013, Farm Labor and Agricultural Assessment, Dec. 9, Yorktown Town Hall
2014, Best Practices and Conservation of Water, Soil, Pasture Management, Energy & Renewables, Dec. 8, Yorktown Town Hall
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- Carrie Davis, Watershed Agricultural Council: How WAC Helps Farms and Water Conservation
- Seth McKee, Scenic Hudson: Fresh, Local Food For NYC and the Hudson Valley
- Oscar Velez-Juarbe, United States Department of Agriculture: Grazing, Soils, and Pasture Management
- Tom Bregman, Energize NY: Renewable Energy and Resources Available to Farms and Small Businesses
- Erik Schellenberg, Cornell Cooperative Extension Service of Orange County: Food Safety and Food Safety Planning
2015, Financial Opportunities for Farmers and Agricultural Businesses, Nov. 16, Yorktown Town Hall
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- Teresa Stegner, Assessor, Town of Somers: Agricultural Tax Assessments, Criteria and Process
- Colleen Osterhout, Farm Credit East: Grant Writing, Lending and Leasing
- Jennifer Adducci, Farm Accountant, Farm Credit East: Agricultural Tax credits, Income Averaging
- David Rifenburgh, Farm Business Advisor, Farm Credit East: Estate Planning, Protecting Farm Assets, and an Overview of the Affordable Healthcare Act
- Jeffrey Kavovit, Farm Family Insurance: Insurance Options for Farmers and Business Owners
2016, Westchester County's Agricultural District: Benefits to Farmers & Towns, Nov. 14, Yorktown Grange Fairgrounds
- John Brennan, NYS Ag and Markets
- Larry Hulle, Watershed Agricultural Council
- Lori Ensinger, President of Westchester Land Trust
2017, Energy Savings for Farmers & Small Businesses, Nov. 6, Yorktown Grange Fairgrounds
- Sal Graven, NYSERDA
- Sarah Smiley, Energize NY